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Estimating Your Next Web Development Project, here is the whole cost!


We are living in a time where mobile applications are rolling all the greatness over the world, yet you can’t preclude the significance of claiming web applications. Many web applications are made every month. The concern is no longer whether an organization needs a web application or not, but what is the cost of building an application to fit the organization’s financial plan and address business issues. Indeed, even to persuade your audience for downloading the application, you need a characterized stage to collaborate and exhibit the ideal data about your item.  Practically all associations are grasping the intensity of mobile application to meet their business targets and requests.  So the question is: why a web application advancement organization (even an enormous and very much experienced one) can’t tell the aggregate just by hearing out the thought? Why can’t web application development cost estimation be made beforehand? Here is when you lead your way to check what really impacts web application improvement cost, and why a plain thought is seldom enough. Let’s find out! Also Read: How to Hire a Right Dedicated Development Team For Your Next Project? So how does Cost be Broken Down? Today, there’s still disarray in the commercial center concerning why web application improvement cost shifts such a great amount starting with one organization then onto the next. With similar prerequisites, usefulness, and commitment model, cost to build a website and app may fluctuate from $10,000 to $500,000. Here is the reason.Hourly rates for web application

How to Hire a Right Dedicated Development Team For Your Next Project?

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Planning to develop a mobile app? If yes, then the next question clicks to your mind is, whether you should hire a freelancer, offshore dedicated development team(DDT), or go for an in-house development team for your next app development project… Well deciding between these three options can be a serious concern for every business whether they are a starter or an entrepreneur. However, outsourcing the best mobile app development company can be an expensive choice but the unmatched product quality can easily cover up the initial cost. If you are still in doubt whether you should outsource your app development needs to a dedicated development team, then you need to know about these benefits of collaborating with app development companies. What Businesses Can Expect While Hiring Offshore DDT Model? Dedicated offshore development services come with great advantages. Still, we will take a deeper look to understand why enterprises and startups should choose the DDT model. Strong Back of Skilled Engineers: Reputed software development companies are backed by a highly-skilled, experienced, and certified team of developers holding the ability to develop business-growing applications and bridging a gap between your goals and success.  Cost-Efficient Solution: The biggest benefit of outsourcing the app development services is you can easily save a cost in terms of infrastructure and overhead expenses that are usually associated with the in-house development team. Moreover, the average cost of working with an in-house development team is approx $70 per hour whereas the average cost to hire app developer is approx

How To Create a Successful Wish like an Online Shopping App?

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The online shopping industry is growing like never before. If you really want to do something big in the online world, you should not stay behind and try your luck in the online shopping world. A custom shopping mobile app development is not merely about creating a Mobile App Product, it is about building a great Journey of Buyer on their iOS and Android mobile phones. Have a look at some notable figures from Statista By the year 2021, the worldwide eCommerce sales are supposed to amount to about 4.8 trillion US dollars, going 365% increase since the year 2014. The total share of eCommerce of total global retail sales is going to grow from 7.4% in the year 2015 to 17.5% in the year 2021. The number of online buyers all across the globe will also increase by about 162%: from 1.32 billion people in the year 2014 to 2.14 billion in the year 2021 Why is the mobile application for shopping so demanding? As you know this already, today a large percentage of users make regular purchases from their mobile devices. Therefore, a shopping mobile app development enables you to: 1. Increase sales volume and customer growth Shopping mobile apps are fundamentally created to improve the sales curve. With specially integrated features for increasing marketing and sales, you can grow your customer base all across the globe very quickly. In addition, an online shopping site may remain open 24X7 that help you sell your products and services to

Top Influencing app development cost factors-[2020 Updated]

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One of the most significant parts of a fruitful mobile application is its plan (UI/UX) advancement. Wonderful and charming screen structures, perfect catches, and special visualizations in the right spot draw out a client’s certain feelings and urge them to come back to the item over and over.  The plan of mobile applications is a significant piece of application improvement. In any case, the fundamental inquiry we are keen on is application configuration cost.  The expense of application configuration relies upon what we mean by the expression “application configuration.”  Designing an application requires a wide scope of undertakings: client look into, serious review, client experience plan, communication structure, portable application interface plan, visual communication, application symbol, and logo plan. The configuration isn’t just about application appearance, it is additionally about the manner in which it works. Thus, for you, we have introduced some of the most important features that would help you in the journey. What is a Mobile Application structure? “Configuration is the production of an arrangement or show for the development of an article, framework or quantifiable human cooperation”. This is the thing that we find in Wikipedia. So in the event that we are discussing the plan of portable applications, we mean working both on backend and frontend parts. It implies that even innovations, utilized by designers, mean a great deal.  When propelling an application, the structure is the principal thing that a client sees. A decent mobile application configuration gives the accompanying advantages: It extraordinarily disentangles

Constructing an app like Venmo & Square Cash? Here is how can you build a similar P2P app?

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For as long as barely any years, versatile wallet applications have seen huge development and have offered an ascend to a market wherein new players are rising each day. Venmo and Square Cash being two of those significant players in the versatile wallet application showcase.  With the quantity of versatile based P2P installment clients arriving at 26 million in the USA alone, the business is demonstrating an image of uncontested development. The Cash App administration permits companions to quickly send cash to one another and permits vendors to acknowledge card installments. To put it plainly, it’s a powerful shared installment arrangement with an easy to use interface.  Directly from the quantity of taking an interesting player to the exchange volume that is very nearly turning out to be versatile just, every feature of the P2P installments industry is on an optimized development rate. Thus, here are some of the ways in which the user can build some of the most important peer to peer app development apps features. Something More about Leading Peer to Peer App Development P2P payment app development can be achieved with the help of these features that the app developers can use: 1. Venmo Venmo is one of the main P2P installment applications on the planet which empowers clients to send cash to their companions and family, pay for shopping, or split a bill. Every one of them a client must do is interface his ledger or platinum card to the application. Venmo is amazingly well

.NET vs Java — A Detailed Comparison

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Java and Microsoft .NET are two popular software development technologies for creating feature-packed web apps. The growing popularity of these two programming languages insists most of the businesses choose from either of these as a primary development tool for creating intuitive and scalable web applications. Both these web development technologies enable the creation of large-scale enterprise-grade business applications. Also, these have evolved over the period of times to enhance and support desktop & server-side application development. Between these two programming languages, you must first understand the applications created using either of the web app development technologies. Through this Java vs .Net comparison blog, we aim at highlighting the difference between .NET and Java. Our objective is to help businesses– small or big– understand how either of the programming language environments can fit in their operational requirements. A Microsoft .NET technology-based software solution might be the right choice for an Enterprise-grade web app which needs a high level of data integrity and stringent security. On the other hand, a Java-based software solution would be the best fit when the primary need is cross-platform based operability in-line with its motive “write once, deploy anywhere.” Nowadays, almost all software development company work on these major technologies. So, without further ado, let’s compare java vs .net. 1. Java vs .NET– Differences At a Glance 2. .NET Vs Java Market Share In the year 2018, recruitment platform analyzed publications in the Software Development category to find out which programming languages are most in vogue.

Creating a Customer App for Your On-Demand Platform – The Right Feature & Cost Analysis

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HOW READY ARE YOU FOR NEW NORMAL? In the market, there are numerous on demand delivery apps gaining popularity every-now-and-then among consumers. Pioneered by Airbnb, Uber, it’s presently one of the most widely opted business models, revolutionizing the businesses and customer experiences across the distinctive industries verticals. Even in the COVID-19 outbreak, the need for on-demand services has increased magnificently. In contempt of these difficulties, Uber and other big firms have been facing; lately, the on-demand business models stay incredibly profitable.  Over time, development companies have noticed a thought-provoking pattern – “The business owner shedding light on the client app and losing sight of the driver app.” In the palpability of lookalike, the reality is it’s difficult to attract drivers than to allure customers. Did You Know! The grocery delivery providers are facing great difficulties in attracting the delivery person.   Of course, it’s no wonder as their work requires long hours and long stretches of staying away from home.  The American Trucking Association stated in 2018; there was a need for a minimum of 50,000 truck drivers to fill the open jobs vacancy. This dearth still persists in the present moment, and the ATA predicts that because of the upsurging demands of E-commerce, there will be a shortage of 1,75,000 truck drivers by 2026.  Online food delivery is another sector facing a lack of workers. Even the goliath like Postmates with 1,50,000 couriers in the US, following comes to the UberEats having 3,00,000 couriers globally, are ready to invest in

Best Features and Cost To Develop An Indoor Navigation Mobile App


Eyeing up to develop an indoor navigation app for a large building? Check out the development process, features, tech stack, and cost estimation of the app development. With the rapid advancement in technology and smartphones in hand equipped with a GPS system, wayfinding has become far easier for travelers. In modern life, where users are often occupied and constantly moving from one place to another, outdoor navigation apps seem like true blessings for the users. However, for all the good, GPS outdoor navigations only help users finding their ways to their destinations. Now the question is, how effective are these apps when you go out in the crowded shopping centers or traditional markets? Do these GPS outdoor navigation apps help you find your favorite cafes, restaurants, or shops inside the large buildings? or Any particular place that you love to hang-out with your friends? The simple answer to these questions – NO. You need an indoor navigation app that works in a similar way as GPS outdoor navigation apps do. So you must be wondering how indoor navigation apps are different from outdoor navigation apps? Well, the matter of the fact is, GPS outdoor navigation apps are working with GPS satellite signals that usually get lost in crowded places or inside the large buildings. However, indoor navigation apps are specially developed for smaller areas working with Augmented Reality that displays your location by simply accessing the integrated GPS maps. By accessing the inbuilt GPS maps, they offer the shortest routes

12 Signs of a Successful Mobile Application

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A great and feature-packed mobile application can skyrocket your business. The use of mobile for daily communication has increased drastically over the years all around the globe. As mobile app development technology is advancing at a lightning speed and people are getting addicted to their smart devices, businesses all across the globe (especially the smaller and medium-sized businesses) have started proper utilization of the platform for better & smooth communication.  Mobile phone devices have changed the way businesses all across the globe work today and the significance of mobile applications in different types of business has ascended the ladder to the top rapidly in recent years. In addition, a business mobile application is making it easier for users to get relevant business information at their fingertips and stay connected to their favourite brands. Let’s have a quick glance over the mobile app stats that foster small business to invest heavily on this tool: Nearly 40% of small businesses active today have a mobile app and 30% of them are planning to have their own in the coming time. Nearly 28% of small businesses have built mobile apps to attract new customers, but the industry experts suggest that there should be more to it. The businesses suggest that the most valuable features on their mobile apps have been mobile payments and customer engagement.  The percentage of mobile apps owned by upcoming small businesses is increasing drastically; making way for a more interactive future. But, do you know Gartner study reveals that

Xicom’s COVID-19 Business Continuity and Safety Plans

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Undoubtedly, COVID- 19 pandemic outbreak has become a global concern for the organizations and have put them into a significant risk. Organizations are still in fear whether this risk is going to stay when the COVID-19 scare is over? To defeat this situation, companies have to proactively take all the measures to preserve employee well-being and business continuity during COVID-19… Understanding the critical implications of COVID-19 for ensuring the well-being of employees and business continuity in future, Xicom Technologies has already taken all necessary measures to minimize the impact of the pandemic and enabled “Work From Home” facility to their staff and crucial departments.  Adhering to Government instructions and following the social distancing, our staff, including IT, Sales team, Development Team, Testers, Project Management team and other members from other upper departments, are working remotely. Our team is following the same work ethics and working hard to stay committed to our promises and quality assurance services, for which we are known for.  Many of you are wondering how the tech industry is ensuring business continuity in the times of coronavirus? How does our team stay connected while working remotely? Will it impact the project deliveries or quality of the project? Let’s find the answer… Here’s How We Have Enabled Remote Working for Continued Productivity? Being a certified app development company, we already had corporate protocols in place which allow us to reimagine the new business working environments for all departments without any hassle. Our team is working with highly encrypted