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Best Features and Cost To Develop An Indoor Navigation Mobile App


Eyeing up to develop an indoor navigation app for a large building? Check out the development process, features, tech stack, and cost estimation of the app development. With the rapid advancement in technology and smartphones in hand equipped with a GPS system, wayfinding has become far easier for travelers. In modern life, where users are often occupied and constantly moving from one place to another, outdoor navigation apps seem like true blessings for the users. However, for all the good, GPS outdoor navigations only help users finding their ways to their destinations. Now the question is, how effective are these apps when you go out in the crowded shopping centers or traditional markets? Do these GPS outdoor navigation apps help you find your favorite cafes, restaurants, or shops inside the large buildings? or Any particular place that you love to hang-out with your friends? The simple answer to these questions – NO. You need an indoor navigation app that works in a similar way as GPS outdoor navigation apps do. So you must be wondering how indoor navigation apps are different from outdoor navigation apps? Well, the matter of the fact is, GPS outdoor navigation apps are working with GPS satellite signals that usually get lost in crowded places or inside the large buildings. However, indoor navigation apps are specially developed for smaller areas working with Augmented Reality that displays your location by simply accessing the integrated GPS maps. By accessing the inbuilt GPS maps, they offer the shortest routes

12 Signs of a Successful Mobile Application

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A great and feature-packed mobile application can skyrocket your business. The use of mobile for daily communication has increased drastically over the years all around the globe. As mobile app development technology is advancing at a lightning speed and people are getting addicted to their smart devices, businesses all across the globe (especially the smaller and medium-sized businesses) have started proper utilization of the platform for better & smooth communication.  Mobile phone devices have changed the way businesses all across the globe work today and the significance of mobile applications in different types of business has ascended the ladder to the top rapidly in recent years. In addition, a business mobile application is making it easier for users to get relevant business information at their fingertips and stay connected to their favourite brands. Let’s have a quick glance over the mobile app stats that foster small business to invest heavily on this tool: Nearly 40% of small businesses active today have a mobile app and 30% of them are planning to have their own in the coming time. Nearly 28% of small businesses have built mobile apps to attract new customers, but the industry experts suggest that there should be more to it. The businesses suggest that the most valuable features on their mobile apps have been mobile payments and customer engagement.  The percentage of mobile apps owned by upcoming small businesses is increasing drastically; making way for a more interactive future. But, do you know Gartner study reveals that

The Comprehensive Guide on How to Hire an Offshore Development Team in 2020

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According to the Statista, the IT outsourcing industry is valued at more $ 400 billion in the year 2018 and the worldwide IT spending is projected to around $3.79 trillion USD in the year 2019. No doubt, IT outsourcing services are spreading its wings at a greater pace. Nowadays, more and more firms across the world are looking to outsource their web or mobile app development projects to other countries.  Surprisingly, low-cost development is not the only factor that fascinates mobile app development company to outsource their IT projects. Skilled professionals, large talent pool, latest technology development, quality-oriented solutions are some other aspects that force these companies to outsource software development to other countries like India. Have a look at some stats showing the popularity of hiring offshore development teams: The annual revenue from IT outsourcing is estimated between 60 and 70 billion U.S. dollars. Source The total percentage of the IT budget being spent on IT outsourcing rose from 10.6% in the year 2016 to 11.9% in the year 2017. Source In the year 2019, the enterprise software development service market is forecast to reach about $427 billion USD, which is up by 7.1% from $ 399 billion in the year 2018. The increase is due to the shift of enterprise software spending from traditional offerings to the cloud-based alternatives. Source The total value of the contract of the IT outsourcing market will grow to more than $409 billion USD by the year 2022. Source 70% of the businesses

How much does it cost to develop an app like Instashop.

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Digital transformation and the upsurge of mobile applications for on-request food delivery has become a focal point of consideration. According to a research led by Forbes, it is evaluated that grocery apps utilization will increment practically by half people (50%), and individuals will order food from the online grocery store and food apps. The stats details show online shopping for food deals in the US from 2012 to 2021 has assessed to reach about $29.7 Billion in 2021. Consequently, with these figures and details, it is very apparent that the sale for these online apps would increase and shine in the coming years. A great example of such an app is Intashop. InstaShop is an application that manages to deliver grocery goods right to your doorstep inside 60 minutes. Their fundamental point is to “bring the grocery store comfortable”. This Dubai-based organization is a piece of Jabbar Internet Group.  This application is structured splendidly, consistent and effective. These apps construct by effectively reasonable features and can be utilized regularly.  The application has more than 20 classifications of basic food item items, running from ordinary items like dairy, eggs, vegetables, organic products to infant care, body care items, paid ahead of time revive cards, and so forth. Thus, building an app like this can be a bit challenging but not difficult. And the cost of constructing such an app can be a bit alluring. The Android app development company can take these below tips before moving forward. On-Demand Delivery Model According

Xicom’s COVID-19 Business Continuity and Safety Plans

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Undoubtedly, COVID- 19 pandemic outbreak has become a global concern for the organizations and have put them into a significant risk. Organizations are still in fear whether this risk is going to stay when the COVID-19 scare is over? To defeat this situation, companies have to proactively take all the measures to preserve employee well-being and business continuity during COVID-19… Understanding the critical implications of COVID-19 for ensuring the well-being of employees and business continuity in future, Xicom Technologies has already taken all necessary measures to minimize the impact of the pandemic and enabled “Work From Home” facility to their staff and crucial departments.  Adhering to Government instructions and following the social distancing, our staff, including IT, Sales team, Development Team, Testers, Project Management team and other members from other upper departments, are working remotely. Our team is following the same work ethics and working hard to stay committed to our promises and quality assurance services, for which we are known for.  Many of you are wondering how the tech industry is ensuring business continuity in the times of coronavirus? How does our team stay connected while working remotely? Will it impact the project deliveries or quality of the project? Let’s find the answer… Here’s How We Have Enabled Remote Working for Continued Productivity? Being a certified app development company, we already had corporate protocols in place which allow us to reimagine the new business working environments for all departments without any hassle. Our team is working with highly encrypted

The Role Of Product Design Team In App Development Process

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It’s not less than any natural instinct that you want your project a roaring success. While, it is also important that you build the best without breaking your budget. But, saving money by cutting-down on product design process actually proves to be a false economy in the coming years. Undeniably, product design methodology is a real demur and a demanding landscape. At the bottom of the funnel it is all about problem solving, but doing it effectively is what is defined as a “Team Effort”. The expert believes creating a great product requires a team effort. But, amid discussing the role of the product team, the important question is “Which Team”? The proficient developers from the ideal mobile app development company is probably the first ingredient that comes to mind, but along with visual developers, UX designers, UX researchers adds many feathers to the product team and to the product development. You might be thinking why I took UX researchers? Simply, UX research can gratify essential customer insights about the target users. But, on the same note don’t forget about the usability test either. The design workshops and prototyping helps in improving the communication within the team members and helps in crafting an agile environment and the best part is they are great at problem solving. So, here in this post we will cover: What makes the best product design team?     What are the 3 most important ingredients? Starting With “What Is A Product Team”? Let’s start from the

Is Merging Blockchain and Mobile App Development a Good Decision For Businesses?


As per the recent study of Accenture, banks and financial institutions can save more than $8 billion on their transactions every year if they use blockchain. Not only financial institutions, nowadays all types of industries consider the importance of Blockchain and want to implement it in their business operations to make their payment more secure and fast.  While most of the organizations are adopting this latest technology for a plethora of scenarios, is it right for custom mobile application development? Let’s figure out the answer of this question through this blog but before that let’s look at some trending stats of blockchain: Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions from 2017 to 2023 Now, here are some more stats of blockchain worth noting By the end of the year 2024, it’s expected that companies of all sizes will spend approximately $20 billion every year for blockchain technical services. Approximately 90% of the European and U.S. banks had started exploring the potential of blockchain by the year 2018. About 74% of tech-savvy executive team members say that they believe there is huge business potential in the blockchain technology. 23% of businesses worldwide expect to invest approximately $5 million to $10 million in the blockchain during the year 2020. Financial industries alone have spent approximately $552 million on the blockchain-powered projects. More than 20 countries have adopted or at least researched the concept of a national cryptocurrency. All the above stats indicate that blockchain is on boom these days. But is it good for

Top Reasons Why eCommerce Stores Should Invest In Mobile App Development


There is one of the simplest ways to increase the sale and return on investment of your eCommerce app. Do you want to know what that way? Well, just create a feature-packed mobile app for your online store integrating various latest technology like IoT, AR, VR, and Blockchain. And, the best part is that it is pretty easy to implement. In this blog post, we discuss: Why can’t you avoid mobile app development for your online store? How can you improve the features and productivity of your app? What are the recent stats and facts of the mCommerce industry? How much business can you generate after having your own mCommerce application? Let’s find out the answer to all these questions in this blog Nowadays, a large number of customers are choosing mobile applications to shop their favorite products rather than hit the brick and mortar stores. With online ordering services growing rapidly and becoming popular among the customers, more and more people agree that they save lots of their time and money while doing so.  If you run an online store that allows your potential customers to shop online, there are a plethora of things that you can do in order to improve their overall experience and enhance your overall sales. One of the best things that you can consider doing is creating a feature-packed mobile application for your eCommerce Store that your target customers can use. In the year 2016, the king of the search engine Google published the

Top 10 General Mistakes to Dodge During Mobile App Development

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The invention of mobile phones and smartphones has led to a development of numerous mobile apps that have not only simplified the lives of the users using it, but it has also penetrated a massive demand of consumers.  Mobile application development is quite a delicate process that requires complete attention in terms of a technical process. Still, many professional app developers tend to make numerous blunders and mistakes to avoid during mobile app development. Mobile Development involves many things. Things like cost, technicalities, time, resources, and a lot more that is part of the process.  When these many factors are included in the process, then there are chances that errors mark your way. Thus, here are a few of the most frequent mistakes that mobile app development company tends to make and the ones that can be avoided during development process. Walking the Path of Mobile Development? Here are few Blunders that Can be Avoided! Before you get started with your work and hire mobile app developers here are some of the things that you need to make sure. In mobile app development services, there are some particular mistakes that every developer should avoid to deploy a successful app with more significant user experience. Mistakes like: 1. Unrealistic Deadlines The first and the most common mistake that the user tends to make before they hire software developers is setting up unrealistic deadlines. Estimating the timelines is a core factor that is directly related to and involved with budget estimation. This means

How Will Artificial Intelligence Impact Software Development?


You may be wondering how Artificial Intelligence (AI) is empowering the software development industry? Let’s start with the fact that Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, grow and play an increasingly important role in the software app development space. When it comes to developing innovative as well as more sophisticated applications, the involved technologies continue to play a bigger role. AI and software development has gained worldwide exposure over the years through Hollywood, including the recent blockbuster movies such as Avengers: Infinity War in which AI was used. Nowadays, we are seeing the increasingly advanced application of AI incorporate mainstream computing.  In this blog post, we examine the benefits of AI for web development, as well as some unique integration challenges. Firstly we need to have a look at the AI-powered solution that can have a large impact on your business. You may be wondering why Drupal is the best CMS ( Content Management System ) in the market? how it is associated with AI? The answer is very simple as you know that the web customer interacts mainly with the enterprise through menus, buttons, and text fields. With the beginning of text messaging and social media, the web demographic trends toward the use of free-form text, also known as natural language. In response to the increased use of natural language in online communication, chatbots had currently become a hot topic. The first question that may come to your mind is what is natural Language Learning in AI? What is